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To The Point Presents the Lost Pines Knife Show

Thursday, February 14, 2019   /   by Jenny Carroll

To The Point Presents the Lost Pines Knife Show

(BASTROP) You may think you’ve walked into an episode of “Forged in Fire” when you head to Community Gardens in Bastrop for the Lost Pines Knife Show Saturday, Feb. 23 through Sunday, Feb. 24.

Presented by To The Point, this family event will offer safety and educational speakers, cutting competitions, and a shopping experience featuring custom knives from about a dozen Texan knife makers and knife making supplies from well-known suppliers.

“We’re holding the Lost Pines Knife Show as a way to expose our area to the art of knife making and to the knife making community,” Grizz, owner of To The Point Blade Sharpening and Sales in Bastrop, said. “Our goal is to expose the art of knife making, to educate the general public on the importance of a quality-made knife, and to encourage the use of knives as a tool, not a weapon.

Lost Pines Knife Show will host Blade Sports International Cutting Competitions beginning Saturday at 11 a.m. This spectator event brings Blade Sports certified cutters to the competition arena whereby both men and women compete in four main fields including 2 x 4-speed cut, free-hanging rope cut, single station multi-cut, and the multi-station timed event.

Blade Sports competitors hold a one-year certificate as certified cutters after completion at a Blade Sports recognized school or personalized training and certification by a Blade Sports instructor. Members compete at knife cutting events throughout the year with sights on qualifying for the national and international competitions. This year’s national cutting competition will be in Dallas April 6-7 with the location to be announced.

Visitors to the Lost Pines Knife Show will also be treated to live forging demonstrations throughout each day with a Saturday music line up including Briana Adams, 11 a.m.; Beth Lee & Chris Duarte---country, blues, and roots rock and roll, 1 p.m.; and Cottletown, 3 p.m. Sunday B-DOE from 93.7 KLBJ will broadcast live from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. followed by Beth Lee & Chris Duarte at 2 p.m.

Of course, the days’ events wouldn’t be complete without yummy food served by Lada Ladies, an enchilada-themed food truck and Treena’s Mobile BBQ, a street BBQ trailer.

Whether you are a knifemaker, knife collector, hunter, fisher, outdoor enthusiast, chef, home cook, or family looking to take in a fun day, the Lost Pines Knife Show should deliver. Admission is $8 for adults and $4 for children 12 and under. Saturday showtime is 9-5 and Sunday’s is 9-4. Community Gardens is located at 1067 TX HWY 71 Bastrop.