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Carts | Stanberry Stories Blog

Thursday, January 14, 2021   /   by Jenny Carroll

The Evolution of Public Transportation in Bastrop

With the New Year comes a new form of public transportation in Bastrop, TX. Electric Cab of North America has joined the Capital Area Rural Transportation System (CARTS) in a pilot project funded by a partnership with Lone Star Clean Fuels Alliance, the Texas Department of Transportation, and the US Department of Energy. CARTS, a public transportation system, serves urbanized areas of nine Central Texas counties, including Bastrop.Bastrop’s micro-mobility project, called CARTS Now, offers on-demand, point-to-point travel within a designated area of the Bastrop city limits that includes residential, retail, and medical facilities. A portion of that broader area will include a limited electric vehicle service zone. CARTS Now introduced one of its electric vehicles on Dec. 14th; the second will With their open-air designs and maximum speeds of 35 mph, the electric vehicles provide convenient and easy transportation for casual travel.

Curb-to-curb service is available Monday thr. ...

  new, bastrop, carts, public transportation