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Covid | Stanberry Stories Blog

Wednesday, November 3, 2021   /   by Jenny Carroll

The Importance of Local

Supporting your local scene is more important now than ever. Putting those holiday dollars back into your own community means that the very things you love about your area have a better chance of survival in this ongoing time of COVID. We rely on the creators and music makers to entertain and challenge us but the loss of so many service jobs has had huge impacts on those who make Central Texas so unique. Before you go online to the big-name sites for those free shipping perks, consider heading out into your city instead.
Here are some suggestions:

Band Merch: Band merch from our local musicians is the best merch around! What better gift could you give to your favorite peeps than a cool coozie, a t-shirt, or an album? Find a list from Austin’s own KUTX here.

MBE/WBE: (Pronounced me-be-we-be) Here is the City of Austin’s directory to the Minority and Women Business Enterprise establishments. You have a variety of search filters to find what you are looking for a. ...

  family, fun, covid, social distance, new, christmas, dripping springs, freedom, holiday, virtual party, mask

Thursday, March 11, 2021   /   by Jenny Carroll

COVID Vaccines: How I Got An Appointment

An Austinite's Experience Getting An Appointment For The COVID-19 Vaccine
Monday morning I found myself with an open web browser and what felt like a thousand tabs along the top of my screen. Walgreens, HEB, CVS, Austin Public Health (APH), Walmart, Sam’s Club, and others. Every hour on the hour I refreshed each screen to see if notification of COVID-19 vaccination doses had appeared on any site. As you may have guessed, none did. 
Sure, I could have driven six hours to Odessa, TX for the off chance of receiving it from one of the cities listed on HEB’s site with doses but there are simply too many issues with that endeavor. No, we’re sticking close to home for this. We’d registered weeks ago on the Austin Public Health site but hadn’t heard anything from them on when to expect the eagerly awaited email saying it was time to schedule our appointments. If you’ve spent any time looking online for available vaccines then this all sounds familiar ...

  family, covid, social distance, freedom, virtual party, mask

Thursday, January 14, 2021   /   by Jenny Carroll

2020 in Review

What can be said about 2020 that hasn’t already been said? Can you count on your fingers, toes, and eyeballs how many times you were asked, “How are you holding up during these difficult times?” I can’t. Between the election, civic unrest, and the global pandemic, we’re exhausted and humanity is frankly a little cranky.
However, while suffering with everyone else, many have also experienced unprecedented silver linings in their lives that will be cherished as lifelong memories. We were given permission to slow down in our overscheduled, overly distracted days because what else were you going to do? You weren’t going anywhere. Families that would have been separated by normal circumstances were brought back together in ways we may never see again. College kids returned home as universities closed. Young adults moved back in with their parents to create safe quaran-teams with their loved ones. Parents of school-age children were able to connect with t. ...

  family, covid, home, social distance

Wednesday, October 7, 2020   /   by Jenny Carroll

Halloween In COVID

Halloween is definitely one of our favorite holidays. Seriously, what’s not to like? Spooky ghouls and ghosts, adorable decorations, and kiddos in costumes? It’s the best. But, this year is looking a bit different for many Texans. With COVID fears still high (you can see Texas’ numbers here), parents and businesses alike are taking extra precautions. Some, like Austin’s spooky haunted house, House of Torment, have had their doors shuttered altogether this season due to these concerns.

Whether you plan on hitting the streets for trick-or-treating, making the rounds at all the pumpkin patches and Fall Fests, or hanging out at home with the lights out, we’ve got some activities listed here for you that you're sure to enjoy. We’ve scoured the web and compiled lists of Fall activities for you to check out at your own comfort level. 

First things first though, CDC Halloween Guidelines are listed here or on the CDC logo to the left.

Te! ...

  family, covid, fun, dripping springs, halloween

Thursday, September 10, 2020   /   by Jenny Carroll

Good Things at Down Home Ranch

Contributed by Deena Thomas
(BASTROP) Even in the midst of COVID confusion, good things are happening at various non-profit organizations including Down Home Ranch located on 410 acres near Elgin.

The Ranch, offering residency, day programs, and ranch camp over their past 31 years serves adults with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities (IDD). Their mission is “empowering the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities through social, education, residential and vocational opportunities.”
It is with great anticipation for Saturday, Oct. 3, that this year’s 17th Annual Gala---“Down Home is Where the Heart Is” will be held completely online through a virtual hosting platform from 6 to 8 p.m.
“We will still have all of the great entertainment and speakers you’ve come to know and love with other galas,” Jeffrey Mizell, Director of Development said.
The event kicks off with a special pre-event performance by me. ...

  family, covid, social distance, fun