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Electricity | Stanberry Stories Blog

Thursday, June 10, 2021   /   by Jenny Carroll

It's Time For Your Home's Annual Check-Up

As summer begins to settle in and temperatures rise, it’s the perfect time to schedule your annual check up for your home. A check up for my home, you ask? Yes! The health of your home needs to be assessed annually to nip any potential issues in the bud as well as identifying problems before they become failures. Here are some things you can do to maintain your home and keep your systems running smoothly all year long.

What kinds of things should we be looking for?

Air Conditioner

Good question. Your A/C system, your home’s main support system in our hot summer climate, should be checked by a professional at least once a year. As it gets hotter outside our usage goes up and that’s when issues can take us unawares. Don’t find yourself sitting in a hot house this summer because you didn’t clean off your condenser unit, pour vinegar in your drainline, or you didn’t check coolant levels. Having a professional A/C company service your syste. ...

  family, home, new, summer, home improvement, water, electricity, spring

Friday, February 19, 2021   /   by Jenny Carroll

Statewide Snowdown

Texans have shown their mettle once again in the face of Nature’s fury. As polar weather patterns shifted to dump historic amounts of snow on ill prepared Southerners, temperatures not only dropped but uncharacteristically remained stuck in below freezing conditions. A dusting of snow is nothing new to us. We can make ludicrously small snowmen with the best of ‘em. A prolonged icy scenario however, despite the beauty of it, is not something we are remotely prepared for.
As demand for heat spiked, the un-weatherized power plants across the state began to fail catastrophically, leaving millions of Texans in the frigidly cold darkness. Some of our Stanberry agents were left without power or a heat source for over 100 hours. Subfreezing temperature inside your home, especially for the elderly or those with compromised health, is a potentially deadly situation for any of us.
As we’ve done so many times before with hurricanes, floods, tornados and more, Texans came out in; ...

  family, home, electricity, freeze, snow, warm, water