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Freedom | Stanberry Stories Blog

Wednesday, November 3, 2021   /   by Jenny Carroll

The Importance of Local

Supporting your local scene is more important now than ever. Putting those holiday dollars back into your own community means that the very things you love about your area have a better chance of survival in this ongoing time of COVID. We rely on the creators and music makers to entertain and challenge us but the loss of so many service jobs has had huge impacts on those who make Central Texas so unique. Before you go online to the big-name sites for those free shipping perks, consider heading out into your city instead.
Here are some suggestions:

Band Merch: Band merch from our local musicians is the best merch around! What better gift could you give to your favorite peeps than a cool coozie, a t-shirt, or an album? Find a list from Austin’s own KUTX here.

MBE/WBE: (Pronounced me-be-we-be) Here is the City of Austin’s directory to the Minority and Women Business Enterprise establishments. You have a variety of search filters to find what you are looking for a. ...

  family, fun, covid, social distance, new, christmas, dripping springs, freedom, holiday, virtual party, mask

Thursday, March 11, 2021   /   by Jenny Carroll

COVID Vaccines: How I Got An Appointment

An Austinite's Experience Getting An Appointment For The COVID-19 Vaccine
Monday morning I found myself with an open web browser and what felt like a thousand tabs along the top of my screen. Walgreens, HEB, CVS, Austin Public Health (APH), Walmart, Sam’s Club, and others. Every hour on the hour I refreshed each screen to see if notification of COVID-19 vaccination doses had appeared on any site. As you may have guessed, none did. 
Sure, I could have driven six hours to Odessa, TX for the off chance of receiving it from one of the cities listed on HEB’s site with doses but there are simply too many issues with that endeavor. No, we’re sticking close to home for this. We’d registered weeks ago on the Austin Public Health site but hadn’t heard anything from them on when to expect the eagerly awaited email saying it was time to schedule our appointments. If you’ve spent any time looking online for available vaccines then this all sounds familiar ...

  family, covid, social distance, freedom, virtual party, mask

Wednesday, November 11, 2020   /   by Jenny Carroll

Community Spotlight: Foundation Communities

What is Foundation Communities?
If you've driven through Austin you've likely seen a Foundation Communities (FC) property. Created in 1990, they have helped Central Texans experiencing homelessness as well as teachers, veterans, service industry employees, and elderly or disabled persons or those experiencing other hardships into housing opportunities in beautiful, well-constructed communities throughout Austin and north Texas. Through grants and charitable donations, they've built 23 thoughtfully designed properties that have their over 7,000 resident's best lives at heart. There are thousands of people on the waiting list to be residents at a FC property so they are constantly looking at opportunities to build more housing for those who need it. There are 5 new properties planned for 2021 and hopefully more to come in the future.
Not only are these properties well thought out but they also are built using the most up-to-date green standards and many are constructe; ...

  family, home, new, exercise, freedom, housewarming, foundation communities, affordable housing

Friday, June 12, 2020   /   by Jenny Carroll

Juneteenth in Central Texas

Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day, is coming up on Friday, June 19th, and you can celebrate virtually with Austin’s George Washington Carver Library & Museum, Six Square, G.E.A.Y.A., and Jump On It. With COVID cases on the rise, in-person community events are limited but don’t let that dissuade you from joining in the music, spoken word, and other artistic performances online through the evening. There will also be a raffle with prizes donated by local businesses. 

A time-honored tradition, the Juneteenth holiday serves as a reminder of the day Texas learned of President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation two years earlier in January 1863 freeing all enslaved people from bondage in the United States. Traditionally, Juneteenth events were an opportunity for communities of color to gather to share food, music, and conversation. While we can’t gather face-to-face, we can gather in spirit so whatever your background, make plans to join your fell; ...

  covid, social distance, freedom, junetenth, virtual party